23 JUNE 2022
The host reserves the right to make changes with regard to content, time and event forum
HIH Invest Forum in Cinema 2:
Professor Dr Steffen Sebastian, Holder of the Chair for Real Estate Finance and Deputy
Managing Director of the IREBS Institute for Real Estate Management
INTREAL Forum in Cinema 3:
Yvonne Hoberg, Founder, GLOWING MIND I Communications & Transformation
BMO Forum in Cinema 4:
Sevgi Metzger, Management Consultant, Sevgi Communications - Kommunikation & Brandmarketing
from 8.00 am
Foyer Waldorf Astoria Hotel
RegistrATION(Registration already possible the day before: 4pm - 7pm in the foyer of the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.
Subject to change due to COVID rules of the State of Berlin.)
from 8.30 am
Zoo Palast
Welcome Coffee & Snacks
from 9.00 am
Foyer Zoo Palast
Exhibition open and Meet & Greet
from 10.00 am
Roca at Waldorf Astoria and ZooBa at Zoo Palast and Pho-Noodlebar (left of Zoo Palast)
Restaurants open
9.30 - 10.00 am
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
Transmission to all forums and the foyer;
in INTREAL Forum (Kino 3) with simultaneous
Welcome Notes
Professor Dr Steffen Sebastian, Holder of the Chair for Real Estate Finance and Deputy Managing Director of the IREBS Institute for Real Estate
Thomas Rücker, Managing Director, RUECKERCONSULT GmbH
Notes on hygiene rules
Introduction to the conference app
Christian Stoschek, Managing Director, Dung Marketing Verwaltungs GmbH
10.00 - 10.30 am
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
Transmission to all forums and the foyer;
in INTREAL Forum (Kino 3) with simultaneous
These five megatopics move the real estate industry
Professor Dr Steffen Sebastian, Holder of the Chair for Real Estate Finance and Deputy Managing Director of the IREBS Institute for Real Estate Management
10.35 - 11.20 am
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
Transmission to all forums and the foyer
Housing policy in Germany - how do we solve the dilemma between housing need, energy refurbishment and necessary investment returns?
What role do social and price-restrained housing play for politicians and investors? What financing programmes are available? A dialogue between politics, business and the development bank
Discussion leader:
Gero Gosslar, Managing Director, ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V.
Arnaud Ahlborn, Managing Director, Wohnen GmbH
Dr Hinrich Holm, Chairman of the Board, Investitionsbank Berlin
Thomas Krützmann, Senior Director Institutional Sales, PROJECT Real Estate Trust GmbH
Sandra Weeser, MdB, Chairwoman of the Committee for Housing, Urban Development, Construction and Communities, Deutscher Bundestag
10.35 - 11.20 am
(Cinema 3)
with simultaneous
translation German-
Niche regions for institutional investors?
Asia-Pacific: Investment regions Asia and Australia from a manager and investor perspective
Discussion leader:
David Fassbender, Managing Director, Head of South East Asia, PGIM Real Estate
5-minute impulse lecture Asia:
Richard van den Berg, Fund Manager, M&G International Investments S.A.
5-minute impulse lecture Australia:
Michael Wecke, Managing Director, Real I.S. Australia Pty Limited
Followed by discussion with:
Dr Anton Buchhart, Divisional Manager Investment, Barmenia Versicherungsgruppe
Dr Dirk Krupper, Managing Director, Helaba Investmentgesellschaft mbH
11.25 - 12.10 am
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
A look at the real estate markets
A talk with leading real estate researchers
Discussion leader:
Professor Dr Thomas Beyerle, Managing Director / Head of Group Research, Catella Property Valuation GmbH
Dr Andrija Mihoci, Senior Data Scientist , PREA Group GmbH
Professor Dr Felix Schindler, Head of Research, HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH
Inga Schwarz, FRICS, CRE, Head of Research, Director, BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH
11.25 - 12.10 am
(Cinema 3)
Real estate markets
Presented by Selinus and TA Realty
USA: Does Biden bring new investment security? Where and which investments are worthwhile for German investors?
Discussion leader:
Dr Gisbert Beckers, Founding Partner, GAR German American Realty GmbH
Introductory lecture on the market overview:
Lisa Strope, Vice President – Head of Research, TA Realty LLC
Cord Ernst, Managing Director Capital Markets, Magnolia Capital Management Company, Inc.
Matthias Huesmann MRICS, Head of Department, Portfolio Management Real Assets, Provinzial Asset Management GmbH
Klaus-Dieter Schmidt, Managing Director, Jamestown US-Immobilien GmbH
11.25 - 12.10 am
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
Liquid assets
Retail: An industry in upheaval. What new retail concepts are there for city centres? Who uses and rents? What calculation security is there for investors
in long-term leases? In which European countries do asset managers see investment opportunities?
Discussion leader:
Susanne Klaußner MRICS, Managing Partner, DIR Deutsche Investment Retail GmbH
Dirk Bratschke, Head of Real Estates, Vibro Gruppe
Jörn Burghardt, Managing Director, GPEP GmbH
Björn Fraeb, Head of Investment Management, Retail Northern Europe, Nuveen Asset Management Europe S.à.r.l.
Andreas Freier, Managing Director, GRR Real Estate Management GmbH
Eberhard Haug, Director Asset Management (CEFA), Liquide Anlagen, Finanzen, M&A und Investor Relations, EnBW Energie Baden Württemberg AG
12.10 am - 1.10
Discussion time
1.00 - 1.10 pm
TPP TV Studio
Active break
Opportunity for an active event break: loosening up and stretching without sweating, TPP TV studio in front of the Zoo Palast
Sebastian Finis, Founder, Sebastian Finis Fitness & Health Experts
1.15 - 1.45 pm
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
How will we work and live tomorrow? - Part 1
Covid-19 has changed our habits between work, family and leisure - what remains? Are we seeing an increased development of suburban neighbourhoods? Is homeworking the driver for decentralised neighbourhood concepts and what should they look like? What does the 15-minute city mean?
Christiane Varga, Sociologist, trend and future researchSoziologin, Trend- und Zukunftsforschung
1.15 - 1.45 pm
(Cinema 3)
Market and use
Infrastructure investments: Where does real estate end? Where does infrastructure start? - Part 1
A classification from a research perspective
Alexander Fieback, Berlin Branch Manager, bulwiengesa AG
1.15 - 1.45 pm
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
Investment strategies
Presented by Lagrange:
The INVESTMENTexpo Fund Barometer: Empirical Survey on Investment Strategies of Institutional Investors
Dr Sven Helmer, MRICS, CIIA, Managing Director, LAGRANGE Financial Advisory GmbH
1.50 - 2.25 pm
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
Market and use
How will we work and live tomorrow? - Part 2
Discussion on the lecture of Christiane Varga
Discussion leader:
Iris Schöberl, Managing Director Germany & Head of Institutional Clients, BMO Real Estate Partners / Vice-President of the ZIA Zentraler Immobilien Ausschuss e.V. with the Initiative "Wir geben Leben Raum"
Daniel Argyrakis, Managing Director & CFO, ZAR Real Estate Holding GmbH & Co. KG
Xavier Jongen, Managing Director, Catella Residential Investment Management GmbH
Daniel Werth, Managing Director (Commercial), HAMBURG TEAM Investment Management GmbH
1.50 - 2.25 pm
(Cinema 3)
with simultaneous
translation German-
Market and use
Infrastructure investments: Where does real estate end? Where does infrastructure start? - Part 2
A classification from a manager's and investor's perspective
Discussion leader:
Alexander Eggert, Managing Director, HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH
Christian Bock, Board of Directors Institutional Business, DIC Asset AG
Dr Helmut Matthey, Lawyer and advisor to institutional investors
Dieter Seitz, Managing Director, LHI Capital Management GmbH
1.50 - 2.25 pm
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
Market and use
2.30 - 3.30 pm
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
ESG: Stock vs. new investment. What still pays off?
Discussion leader:
Professor Dr Thomas Beyerle, Managing Director / Head of Group Research, Catella Property Valuation GmbH
Martin Eberhardt FRICS, ​Chief Investment Officer Equity DACH, CORESTATE Capital Advisors GmbH
Marc-André Müller, Commercial manager, Zusatzversorgungskasse der Stadt Hannover
Tim Schlüter, LL.M., Executive Director, Head of Asset Management Germany, Czech Republic & Hungary, AEW Invest GmbH
Dr Joachim von Klitzing, Managing Director, DeWAG Wohnen GmbH &Co. KG
2.30 - 3.30 pm
(Cinema 3)
with simultaneous
translation German-
Market and use
Infrastructure real estate: What investment strategies do institutional investors and managers pursue?
Part 1: Public infrastructure and social real estate: A look at kindergartens, schools, hospitals, town halls and other options.
Discussion leader:
Dominik D.M. Barton, Managing Partner, Barton Group
Martin Eilbacher, Investment Manager Real Estates, Capital Investment Real Estat, SV SparkassenVersicherung
Alexander Fieback, Real Estate Economist (IREBS), Berlin Branch Manager, bulwiengesa AG
Horst Lieder, Managing Partner, audere Gesellschaftsimmobilien GmbH, AUDERE EQUITY Unternehmensgruppe
Part 2: Private infrastructure real estate in focus: What effects do investors need to consider when investing in data centre, life science or health care
real estate? What trends are coming from the USA to Europe?
Discussion leader:
Bernd Wegener FRICS, Chartered Surveyor
Paul Lewis, Director, European Data Centres, Principal Real Estate Europe
Professor Dr Gerd Merke, Board of Directors, Zusatzversorgungskasse des Steinmetz- und Steinbildhauerhandwerks VVaG
Thorsten Seher MRICS, Executive Board Portfolio Management - Open and Institutional Funds, HKA Hanseatische Kapitalverwaltung GmbH
2.30 - 3.40 pm
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
Investment strategies
The Elevator Pitch - managers present their Article 8 and Article 9 fund strategies in 10 minutes each. Followed by a Q&A session with the
asset managers.
Discussion leader:
Karsten Müller-Uthoff, Management consultant for institutional investment strategies
Robert Gauggel, Director Institutional Clients, Member of the Executive Board Germany, BMO Real Estate Partners GmbH & Co. KG
Oliver Grossmann, CFO, NEXT Generation Invest AG
Konstantin Hähndel, Managing Director, ACCUMULATA Real Estate Investment Management GmbH
Goesta Ritschewald, Managing Director, ASSIDUUS Vermögensverwaltung mbH
Future water: "Toja", the platform for real estate funds to become water positive
Alex Lattmann, CEO, blueplanet
3.30 - 4.30 pm
Discussion time
4.20 - 4.30 pm
TPP TV Studio
Active break
Opportunity for an active event break: loosening up and stretching without sweating, TPP TV studio in front of the Zoo Palast
Sebastian Finis, Founder, Sebastian Finis Fitness & Health Experts
4.35 - 5.15 pm
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
Project development of the future: Between serial construction, wood as a sustainable building material, cradle to cradle, robotic construction and
3-D modelling
Discussion leader:
Professor Dr Michael Becken, Managing Director, BECKEN Invest GmbH​​​​​​​
Maria Teresa Dreo-Tempsch, Member of the Board, Berlin Hyp AG
Sebastian Holl, Chief Executive Officer, wohnvoll AG
Marcel Özer, Team leader C2C Real Estate, EPEA GmbH – Part of Drees & Sommer​​​​​​​
Cigdem Yildirim Klippert, Director Project Development, Deutsche Investment Kapitalverwaltung AG
4.35 - 5.15 pm
(Cinema 3)
with simultaneous
translation German-
SDG requirements for the real estate industry - industry standards and standardisation in comparison. What are the differences between the
standards of INREV, GIF, GRESB, ECORE, UNPRI and GdV? What must and should asset managers and investors orient themselves to?
Discussion leader:
Christiane Eckert MRICS, BSc., Chief Advisor, Life Assurance Devision, Danish Financial Supervisory Authority
Jürgen Buchelt MRICS, Partner, Financial Services Management Consulting, KPMG AG Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft
Anna-Lena Budde, Deputy Managing Director, Head of Investments, Norddeutsche Kirchliche Versorgungskasse (NKVK)
Iris Hagdorn, Head Of Sustainability, HIH Invest Real Estate GmbH
Markus Königstein, Head of Real Estate, R+V Versicherungsgruppe
Wolfgang Kubatzki, Managing Director, AREAS Institutional Capital Management GmbH
4.35 - 5.15 pm
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
Future-oriented assessment strategies for housing and senior living
Discussion leader:
Professor Dr Ulrich Nack, University lecturer, EBZ Business School
Impulse lecture:
Juri Ostaschov, Chief Data Scientist, PREA Group
Guido Boltes, Senior Director, Tishman Speyer
Adrian H.B. Fopp, Head of Technology Portfolio, PATRIZIA AG
Carsten Rieckhoff, Research Unit, HanseMerkur Grundvermögen AG
5.20 - 6.05 pm
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
ESG-compliant Article 8 and Article 9 funds: Where do legislators and supervisors stand on classification? What is in store for Germany from European
10-minute impulse lecture:
Robert Bluhm, Sustainability Officer and Head of Product Management Alternative Investments & Structuring, Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH
Discussion leader:
Professor Dr Ulrich Nack, University lecturer, EBZ Business School
Robert Bluhm, Sustainability Officer and Head of Product Management
Alternative Investments & Structuring, Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH
Rudolf Siebel, Managing Director, BVI Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management e.V.
5.20 - 6.05 pm
(Cinema 3)
with simultaneous
translation German-
Liquid investment
Are REITs and real estate shares an alternative to alternative investment funds and direct investments? How have total returns in the USA, Asia and Europe developed over the last five years and what are the prospects for the future?
Introductory presentation:
Andreas Welter, Director, Alternative Portfolio / Fund Management, Kempen Capital Management
Followed by discussion and case study:
Stefan Heinz, Senior Investor Relations Manager, Vonovia SE
5.20 - 6.05 pm
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
Presented by Yardi Systems GmbH:
Digitalisation in real estate and property management: How does digitalisation progress in the real estate industry compare across Europe?
Discussion leader:
Dr Stefan Ollig, Chief Operating Officer, REANOVO Deutschland
Richard Gerritsen, Senior Director Sales Europe, Yardi Systems GmbH
Marko Kröner, Managing Partner, EB Immobilienmanagement GmbH
Marc Mockwitz, Managing Partner, Cloudbrixx GmbH
Julia Steinmetz, Managing Director, Apleona Real Estate GmbH
6.10 - 6.55 pm
HIH Invest Forum
(Cinema 2)
Future strategies for Article 6 funds: portfolio perspectives vs. transformation strategies - between modernisation, property sales and secondary
market. Where does the industry stand? A stocktaking with discussion.
Keynote speech and discussion leader:
Dr Ing Matthias Morgenstern, Head of Sustainable Real Estate, Research, F+E, GLS ImmoWert GmbH
Marc Böhnke, Managing Partner, greeen! architects
Tristan Holtkamp, Senior ESG Manager, MOMENI Group
Andreas Stegmann, Head of Institutional Clients & Products, FOM Invest GmbH​​​​​​​
Jörn Zurmühlen, Board of Directors, Real Exchange AG
6.10 - 6.55 pm
(Cinema 3)
with simultaneous
translation German-
Market and use
INVESTMENTexpo Top Topic - Special Eastern Europe: Ukraine
Ukraine in or after the war: history, status, geopolitical consequences and implications for real estate investments in Ukraine, the Baltic States and the NATO external border.
Discussion leader:
Christof Hardebusch, Managing Director, RUECKERCONSULT GmbH
Inessa Kähler, Ukrainian, Business Development, 360° Institutional GmbH
Markus Königstein, Head of Real Estate, R+V Versicherungsgruppe
Dr Manfred Wiltschnigg, Managing Partner, Galleon Capital Management GmbH
6.10 - 6.55 pm
BMO Forum
(Cinema 4)
"Investment Talk Germany - what strategies are managers and investors focusing on?"
With current investor survey on their future real estate investment goals.
Chair of discussion:
Carsten Demmler, Managing Director, HIH Invest Real Estate

Presentation of the survey:
Steffen Braun, Partner, Civey GmbH
Christoph Horbach, Managing Partner, HT Group​​​​​​​
Dr Anja Hubig, Director Treasury, Ostsächsische Sparkasse Dresden
Till Patzig, Portfoliomanager Real Estate & Infrastructure, Versorgungswerk der Wirtschaftsprüfer und der vereidigten Buchprüfer im Lande Nordrhein-Westfalen (WPV)
from 7.00 pm
Waldorf Astoria Hotel 1st floor
Restaurant, Restaurant
Foyer, Lang Bar
Reception INVESTMENTexpo 2022